Apache Observability Track

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Tuesday 14:10 UTC
End User Tracing in a SkyWalking-Observed Browser
Qiuxia Fan

Introduction the background of observation browser and SkyWalking browser monitoring.
How the SkyWalking browser monitoring extends its monitoring to include the browser, providing performance metrics and error collection to the SkyWalking backend.
Make the Browser the Starting Point for Distributed Tracing.

Qiuxia Fan is an Engineer, Skywalking PMC, and Apache committer. Ex-Alibaba Cloud and ex-Didi senior developer.

Tuesday 15:00 UTC
Getting back to sleep as soon as possible for the on-call developer
Shai Almog

It’s the middle of the night, and there’s much ado about nothing. Well, not quite about nothing - there’s definitely something happening: one of the services your team owns is crashing. And by crashing, I mean sometimes crashing. It’s not really that bad, but it’s bad enough for the floodgates to open and for the DevOps folks to lose their marbles and ping you relentlessly on Slack. Ping. Ping. Ping.
This talk is all about that feeling, and what we can do to make the whole situation suck less when it inevitably comes up again. We will walk through a close-to-real life incident from the perspective of the on-call developer, and discuss practical and technical steps developers can take to increase observability while on-call (even when a serious, hard to debug issue arises).

Shai is a developer Advocate at Lightrun, Co-Founder of Codename One, Java Rockstar, Speaker, Author, Blogger, open source hacker. He's been developing software professionally for ~30 years in a multitude of platforms/languages. Shai has extensive experience in the full stack of backend, desktop, and mobile. This includes going all the way into the internals of VM implementation, debuggers etc. Shai started working with Java in 96 (the first public beta) and later on moved to VM porting/authoring/internals and development tools. He worked for over a decade as a consultant where he advised over 100 companies focusing on Java enterprise, internals, and more.

Tuesday 15:50 UTC
Un-breaking production bugs with non-breaking breakpoints
Brandon Fergerson

Debugging in production doesn't have to be dangerous. In this talk, we will see how continuous feedback tools such as SourceMarker can be used to debug production applications safely using instruments known as "non-breaking breakpoints". While seemingly contradictory, non-breaking breakpoints are simple to use and operate similarly to conventional breakpoints. The key difference being these breakpoints are "non-breaking", meaning they will not halt a program's execution, and are specifically designed to run harmlessly in production. Tune in to this talk and see how we can debug a live application and un-break some bugs with non-breaking breakpoints.

Brandon Fergerson is an open-source software developer who does not regard himself as a specialist in the field of programming, but rather as someone who is a devoted admirer. He discovered the beauty of programming at a young age and views programming as an art and those who do it well to be artists. He has an affinity towards getting meta and combining that with admiration of programming, has found source code analysis to be exceptionally interesting. Lately, his primary focus involves researching and building AI-based pair programming technology.

Tuesday 17:10 UTC
The journey of migration between Apache SkyWalking and Service Mesh
Rei Shimizu

Today is the era of microservices which is adopted widely in the world. Service Mesh is the first choice to overcome largely evolved microservices platforms, it provides common infrastructures to compose the distributed, highly scalable services such as monitoring, routing, rate-limiting, mutual TLS, and so on. Istio is the first solution to compose the Service Mesh system. Istio is composed of Envoy, which is the proxy optimized for Cloud-Native environment, as a data plane, it handles all east-west traffic on microservices. We can utilize Envoy as distributed tracing agent for Service Mesh observability. But Apache SkyWalking hadn't been available for a long time on Envoy. In this session, we will provide the journey of migration between Apacne SkyWalking and Service Mesh ecosystem from developing C++ native Apache SkyWalking SDK to provide features to utilize Apache SkyWalking as a tracing provider on Istio.

Rei Shimizu is a graduate student and Envoy/Istio contributor.

Tuesday 18:00 UTC
BanyanDB: A Purpose-Built Observability database
Hongtao Gao

BanyanDB, as an observability database, aims to ingest, analyze and store Metrics, Tracing, and Logging data. It's designed to handle observability data generated by Apache SkyWalking. Before BanyanDB emerges, the Databases that SkyWalking is using are not ideal for the APM data model, especially for saving tracing and logging data. Consequently, There’s room to improve the performance and resource usage based on the nature of SkyWalking data patterns.
The database research community usually uses RUM conjecture to describe how a database access data. In this talk, I will share the details about BanyanDB based on this conjecture, explaining why BanyanDB is more effective and reliable than other storage layers.

Hongtao Gao is the founding engineer of tetrate.io and the former Huawei Cloud expert. One of PMC members of Apache SkyWalking and participates in some popular open-source projects such as Apache ShardingSphere and Elastic-Job. He has an in-depth understanding of distributed databases, container scheduling, microservices, ServicMesh, and other technologies.

Tuesday 18:50 UTC
Observability in Nginx: Apache APISIX it is
Ming Wen

Nginx can only obtain observable data by accessing logs, which not only consumes more resources, but is also not good in real-time and flexibility, and does not meet the requirements of a cloud native environment.
Apache APISIX provides another solution, through a fully dynamic API interface, and skywalking's APM capability, it provides a better alternative for the original nginx users.

Ming Wen is CEO of api7.ai and Apache APISIX PMC chair.