Effective web application development with Apache Sling
Robert Munteanu
English Session 2021-08-08 15:30 GMT+8 #webserverandtomcatApache Sling is an innovative web framework built on top of the Java Content Repository (JCR), that uses OSGi for its component model and fosters RESTful application design.
This talk shows how Sling integrates various standard-based technologies, like OSGi and the Content Repository API for Java to create a coherent framework for web application development. We will walk through the development of a simple application with minimal effort and demonstrate how to productize the result.
Apache Sling supports various access paradigms, and we will outline both REST-based and GraphQL approaches.
Robert Munteanu: Working as a Senior Computer Scientist in the AEM Cloud Foundation team at Adobe, Robert Munteanu is a software developer with a passion for open source. He is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and frequent contributor to many open source projects, notably Apache Sling and Apache Jackrabbit. Robert is a frequent conference speaker, having spoken at Devoxx, ApacheCon and EclipseCon, amongst others.