The excellent practice of Apache ShardingSphere in


Chinese Session 2021-08-06 16:10 GMT+8  #middleware
  • Shardingsphere’s incubation journey at Jingdong Technology
  • Introduction of shardingsphere core features
  • Domestic database solution based on shardingsphere
  • Case Sharing


Gao Xinguang: Database team leader of Jingdong Technology, database architect, 15 years of database operation and maintenance management experience, worked for,, Jinshan Cloud. He is responsible for the management and maintenance of the database platform, and has led the team to smoothly escort many 6.18 and 11.11 promotions; led the capacity building of the domestic distributed transactional database Stardb and the construction of the database ecosystem; has long focused on database productization output and the exploration and research of domestic databases, and has in-depth practice and exploration on the design and development of database middleware, distributed transactional database and automated intelligent operation and maintenance platform. He has in-depth practice and exploration on database middleware, distributed transactional database and automated intelligent operation and maintenance platform design and development.