OpenLooKeng heuristic index framework architecture analysis and application practice

Zheng Li

English Session 2021-08-06 14:50 GMT+8  (ROOM : A) #bigdata

With the application and development of big data technologies, there are more types of data, more data distribution, and more complex query scenarios. This makes it difficult or impossible to process data easily. To improve the usability of big data, Huawei initiated the open source project openLooKeng, the data virtualization engine. openLooKeng uses the industry-renowned open source SQL engine Presto to provide basic interactive query and analysis capabilities, and continues to develop in cross-data center/cloud, data source expansion, performance, reliability, security etc., making big data simplified. This talk will focus on the openLooKeng heuristic index framework, then introduce severial indexing technologies based on the framework and its implementation and application challenges.


Zheng Li: Zheng li got his Ph.D. from Wuhan Optoelectronics National Laboratory of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He joined Huawei in June 2018. He is currently focusing on performance optimization research of openLooKeng, deeply involved in the design and implementation of big data query analysis engine architecture and other related work.