Innovation of Industrial big data software and open-source
wang jianmin
English Session 2021-08-06 11:20 GMT+8 #keynoteIndustrial big data is a very important component of the industrial internet. The report reviews the development history of Industrial big data, discusses the relationships among “industrial big data, enterprise digitalization, and industrial internet”, analyzes the data and application characteristics, and introduces the architecture of the industrial big data system. Furthermore, the report discusses the innovation of the industrial big data software under the open source model and shares the practice of open source development and education in the School of Software, Tsinghua University in China.

Professor Jianmin Wang is the Dean of School of Software, Tsinghua University, the Executive Director of National Engineering Laboratory for Big Data Software, and Apache IoTDB PMC. He does research on Data Management and Information System, including Unstructured Data Management on Cloud Platform, Business Process and Product Lifecycle Management, DRM and System Security, and Database Testing and Security Assurance. He was the conference chair of ACM SAC, CIKM, WISE, BPM, APWeb, and CCF BigData.