In Community We Trust
Dongxu Huang
Chinese Session 2021-08-07 09:20 GMT+8 #keynoteOpen source has recently become a very hot topic. The core of open source is not in the code, but in the community, and what is the nature of the community? Why is the community so important? How to run a good open-source software community? Is there a conflict between open source and business? These are very important questions, in this talk, I will give my thoughts on the above questions.

A distributed system expert, architect, open-source software author, co-founder, and CTO of PingCAP, co-author of TiDB, a well-known open-source HTAP database, worked at Microsoft Research Asia, NetEase Youdao and WandouLabs, founded PingCAP in 2015, he specializes in distributed storage system design and implementation, and high concurrency backend architecture design. He has presented papers or gave talks in VLDB, HPTS, and other academic database conferences.