Sharing of recent progress and practices in Apache Ozone

Yan Liu,Yi Chen

Chinese Session 2022-07-30 14:10 GMT+8  (ROOM : A) #bigdata

Apache Ozone is the next generation of distributed storage from the Hadoop community. The architecture is simple and scalable, compatible with Hadoop file systems, and seamlessly supports computing engines such as MR, Hive, Spark and Impala. Compatible with S3 object protocol, support AWS client access; Rich enterprise-class features, including user authentication, transparent data encryption, GDPR specifications, access control, quota management, and more. In this post, we will introduce Ozone’s positioning and some of the latest developments in the community. Including why to use Ozone, use scenarios of Ozone, new features of Ozone - storage cost optimization tool - the progress and status of erasure code, optimization and improvement of file directory operation, enterprise-level multi-tenant support and so on.


Yan Liu: Cloudera, Senior Sales Engineer, Cloudera Solutions Engineer Apache Hive/Apache Flink Contributor

Yi Chen: Cloudera, Principal Engineer, Yi Chen is with Cloudera. Apache Ozone VP, Apache Hadoop PMC. Long-term focus on distributed storage field research and development and landing