Building a real-time analytics dashboard with Apache Kafka, Apache Pinot, and Streamlit

Dunith Dhanushka, Karin Wolok

English Session 2022-07-29 13:30 GMT+8  (ROOM : B) #bigdata

When you hear “decision-maker,” it’s natural to think of “C-suite” or “executive.”

But these days, we’re all decision-makers. Restaurant owners, bloggers, big-box shoppers, and diners have important decisions to make and need instant actionable insights. Businesses need access to fast, fresh analytics to provide these insights to end-users like us.

In this session, we will learn how to build our own real-time analytics application on top of a streaming data source using Apache Kafka, Apache Pinot, and Streamlit. Kafka is a distributed, open-source pub-sub messaging and streaming platform for real-time workloads, Pinot is an OLAP database designed for ultra-low latency analytics, and Streamlit is a Python-based tool that makes it easy to build data-driven apps.

After introducing these tools, we’ll stream data into Kafka using its Python client, ingest that data into a Pinot real-time table, and write basic queries using Pinot’s Python SDK. Once we’ve done that, we’ll bring everything together with an auto-refreshing Streamlit dashboard to see changes to the data as they happen. There will be lots of graphs and other visualizations!

This session is aimed at application developers and data engineers who want to quickly make sense of streaming data.


Dunith Dhanushka: StarTree, Developer Advocate, Dunith Dhanushka is a seasoned IT professional with over ten years of experience in architecting, building, and consulting large-scale event-driven systems. He’s particularly interested in exploring innovations in the enterprise data management space, including streaming platforms, real-time analytics, and distributed databases. Dunith currently works at StarTree as a developer advocate.

Karin Wolok: StarTree, Head of Developer Community and Marketing, Karin is currently leading developer community programming in the Developer Relations team at StarTree, a start-up founded by the original creators of Apache Pinot. Karin initially began her career in entertainment marketing working with the likes of names like Eminem and Live Nation. She also launched a successful professional women’s network in two major cities in the U.S., organized events for her local Data Science meetup, and helped lead a on-going hackathon to put machine learning in the hands of cancer biologists. Her journey working in data eventually let her to a position as Program Manager for Community Development for the leading graph database in the world, Neo4j. Most recently, she was brought on to StarTree to improve the adoption and success of the overall developer community.