Fine grained authorization to Cloud stores using Apache Ranger


English Session 2022-07-29 16:10 GMT+8  (ROOM : A) #bigdata

Apache Ranger has widely been used as an authorization service for most of the products like HDFS, HIVE, HBASE etc in Apache Hadoop ecosystem for on-premise clusters. In this talk, we want to discuss various use cases on how Ranger policies can be leveraged to perform fine-grained authorization for objects stored in S3 public cloud storage along with capability to view access audits.


Mukund: Cloudera, Staff Software Engineer, I am an active committer of Apache Hadoop project currently working at Cloudera focusing on Cloud Storage Connectors (aws, azure and gcs) and Ranger Authorization. I have total experience of 8 years designing and developing large scale distributed systems. Apart from software development, I love doing yoga and hiking in the Himalayas.