Disaster Recovery in Apache Ozone

Sadanand Shenoy,Rakesh Radhakrishnan

English Session 2022-07-31 13:30 GMT+8  (ROOM : A) #bigdata

Apache ozone is a distributed, scalable and a high performance object store. It provides Object Store semantics (like Amazon S3) and also has a Hadoop compatible filesystem layer implemented above it and can handle billions of objects. Handling such large scale distributed system clusters is often prone to data accidents like hardware failure, human errors or natural disasters. This talk will deep dive into the solutions implemented in Apache Ozone such as container replication, high availability, trash feature and as to how a user can replicate the data across clusters. The talk would also discuss the future roadmap and the enhancements being done to improve the data replication across Ozone clusters.


Sadanand Shenoy: Cloudera, Software Engineer ||, Sadanand Shenoy is a Software Engineer at Cloudera . He has keen interest in distributed systems and has been a contributor to the Apache Ozone project for the past 2 years . He holds committer privileges for Apache Ozone. He has pursued B.E in Information Science and Engineering from MSRIT Bangalore.

Rakesh Radhakrishnan: Cloudera, Staff Software Engineer, Rakesh Radhakrishnan is a committer and a PMC in Apache Ozone, Hadoop, ZooKeeper, BookKeeper projects and primarily focusing on open source big data technologies. Rakesh is currently working at Cloudera and actively contributing on the Apache Ozone project. He has more than 15 years of experience in large scale Distributed Software Platforms design and development. Prior to joining Cloudera, he worked as a Big Data Software Engineer in Intel Corporation.He has been a speaker at several Big Data events including the ApacheCon.