Application of Apache JMeter in IoT test
Chinese Session 2022-07-30 14:50 GMT+8 #iotWith the growth of the scale of iot devices and the increasingly complex business logic, in order to ensure the quality of iot applications, it is necessary to verify not only the functional aspects, but also the availability and reliability of a large number of access devices. Iot testing is becoming increasingly valuable and necessary. The characteristics of iot system, such as large number of access devices and diversified protocols, also make iot testing face numerous challenges. When EMQ builds data infrastructure for the Internet of Things, it extensively uses the test tool based on Apache JMeter to test the protocols and applications of the Internet of Things. This talk will share the experience of using JMeter to test the application of the Internet of Things.
On the one hand, the experience of using JMeter to test iot protocol, especially MQTT protocol, will be mainly shared, and the method of implementing iot protocol test using the extensibility of JMeter plug-in will be introduced, as well as how to design the scripts of MQTT connection scenario and message throughput scenario for practical testing. On the other hand, some ideas for testing iot applications using JMeter will be presented using Apache IoTDB as an example. We hope that through this presentation, you can get a glimpse of Apache JMeter in the Internet of Things testing field.

Chongyuan Yin: Project manager of EMQ. EMQ is an open source Internet data infrastructure software supplier, the delivery of the world’s leading open source native MQTT message server and stream processing database of cloud, for the enterprise to the edge of cloud mass iot data provide high reliable, high performance of real-time connections, moving, processing and analysis, help build “future-oriented” Internet of things platform and application.
Open source projects initiated and operated by EMQ include: Open source Internet of Things messaging middleware project EMQ X, cloud native distributed stream processing database HStreamDB, lightweight Internet of Things edge analysis and stream processing open source software eKuiper, edge industrial protocol gateway software Neuron, cross-platform MQTT client tool MQTT X, MQTT JMeter plug-in mqTT-Jmeter, etc.
Chongyuan Yin, used to work in IBM China Software R&d Laboratory, is now the project manager of EMQ XMeter, responsible for the maintenance of performance testing platform XMeter products and open source project MQTT-JMeter.