Jakarta EE

Mark Thomas

English Session 2022-07-31 14:00 GMT+8  #webserverandtomcat

Apache Tomcat implements the Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Pages, Jakarta Expression Language, Jakarta WebSocket and Jakarta Authentication specifications. Jakarta EE 8 and Jakarta EE 9 were transition releases that did not provide new features to end users. The recently released Jakarta EE 10 is the first release to include new features and other changes.

This session will look at the changes in Jakarta EE 10 for the specifications that Apache Tomact implements and what these changes mean for developers looking to deploying their on Apache Tomact 10.1.

Planning for Jakarta EE 11 is now starting so the second part of the session will look at the changes planned for Jakarta EE 11 and provide an opportunity for attendees to provide input into that planning process.


Mark Thomas: VMware, Staff Engineer, Mark has been an Apache Tomcat committer since November 2003. He initially worked on Tomcat in his free time but since August 2008 he has been employed by SpringSource (now part of VMware) to work on Apache Tomcat. He spends most of his time working on Tomcat but he also works on tc Server, VMware’s Servlet & JSP container based on Apache Tomcat.

Mark is the release manager for Apache Tomcat 10.0 and 10.1 where he tries to release a new version every month or so. He is currently focused on Tomcat 10.1 development which will support Jakarta EE 10. He is a committer for Eclipse Servlet, Server Pages, Expression Language and WebSocket.

Elsewhere at the ASF, Mark is a member of the ASF security and infrastructure teams and he is also on the Commons PMC where he focuses on Commons Pool and DBCP.

Mark is a member of the ASF and served as a Director from 2016 to 2019. He has held the position of VP, Brand Management since February 2018.