Practical Implementation of Apache ShenYu Microservice Gateway for Billions of Traffic

Gao Xiangyang

Chinese Session 2023-08-20 15:00 GMT+8  #api
  1. A Overview and Background (What is a Gateway, Gateway Classification, Company’s Gateway Background, Gateway Selection, and Six Difficulties in Gateway Promotion)
  2. Company’s Customized Plugins and Backend Management System Design
  3. Real-World Use Cases and Online Effects of Gateway Plugins
  4. Q&A


Gao Xiangyang is a senior research and development engineer at Beijing Zhuanzhuan Jingse Technology Co., Ltd. He is an Apache ShenYu Contributor and former architect at Shansong. With over 8 years of experience in the industry, he is responsible for the middleware team, including Dubbo service governance, distributed messaging platform, microservice gateway platform, stability governance, and more. He loves architecture and sharing knowledge, and has given several keynote speeches at industry conferences.