Intelligent plant consumption analysis


Chinese Session 2023-08-19 15:45 GMT+8  #iot

Energy consumption in the industrial field has always been a major issue troubling the sustainable development of enterprises, enterprises need to meet the capacity and environmental protection and emission reduction, and in order to sustainable development, it must be energy-saving. In this sharing, we will introduce the pain points of our factory energy consumption statistics, such as errors in manual calculation, opaque consumption, and no way to know which links there is waste. Then we introduce how to use IoTDB to store sensor data, and analyze and utilize it. The main content is divided into the following four parts:

  1. IoTDB data modeling and deployment;
  2. How to use Spark’s powerful batch processing capability to achieve IoTDB offline writing;
  3. Architecture practice of writing IoTDB with low latency and high efficiency;
  4. How to use IoTDB to analyze the real consumption of the factory system and find the error of manual calculation.


Li Bo: SMIC, Assistant specialist, Engaged in Web back-end development and big data development.