The Apache Way: Building Community and Longevity

Justin Mclean

English Session 2023-08-19 09:30 GMT+8  #keynote

Join us for an engaging discussion on how the Apache Way fosters community and ensures the longevity of open source projects. Explore the key principles behind successful Apache communities, including consensus-based decision-making, transparent communication, independent governance, and open development practices. Discover how embracing the Apache Way can cultivate a vibrant community, attract new contributors, and drive the sustained success of your open source project.


Justin Mclean: Datastrato, ASF board member, Justin Mclean is a highly experienced professional with over 30 years in web application development, education, and community work, and is an active contributor to open source software. Justin is a renowned speaker at conferences worldwide and currently serves as the Community Manager at Datastrato. He mentors projects in the Apache Software Foundation and holds positions as VP of the ASF Incubator, and is an ASF board member.