Human wakefulness: The deepest motivation for open source

Wei Jianfeng

Chinese Session 2023-08-18 10:30 GMT+8  #keynote

Generally speaking, people think of open source as an altruistic act, but we know that all altruism has a basis in self-interest, so what is the psychological motivation of open source developers? How do they consider their own interests? What is it that keeps them exporting and contributing without any real benefit in return? What about enterprises? Shouldn’t companies pay more attention to practical benefits? This talk is an attempt to shed some light on these myths and show the truest and most understandable open source motivation hidden beneath the surface of altruism.


Wei Jianfeng: translator of the Open source Bible “Cathedral and Marketplace” in Chinese, international Information System Security Certification expert (CISSP), has been engaged in research and practice in open source technology, network security, blockchain technology, financial technology and other fields for a long time. He is the author of “Security Protocol Analysis and Design”, “Cathedral and Bazaar”, “Web3: The New World of the Internet”, “Blockchain in China” and other books.