The Power of Community

Chen Yang

Chinese Session 2023-08-19 10:20 GMT+8  #keynote

The open-source community is like an organic biological system. This speech will explore the driving force behind community development, discussing the power of community from various perspectives such as purpose, principle, process, and products. Community is people, revealing that the most core and valuable aspect of a community is every individual within it. We will explore the source of motivation and benefits for each person contributing to the community. Even the most outstanding and successful projects lose their vitality without a sense of community and the involvement of open-source contributors. Therefore, whether it is a corporate open-source project or a personal or foundation-maintained project, it requires excellent developers to invest in the open-source cause in a self-driven manner for the long term, holding a long-term perspective and enjoying the sense of achievement and happiness brought by open-source.


Chen Yang is the Chair of the Kaiyuanshe, Chief Product Manager of Microsoft Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Director of the GNOME Foundation in 2010, Founder of the GNOME.Asia community, Core Contributor to Mozilla, GSoC Mentor, Vice Secretary-General of the China Open Source Software Promotion Alliance in 2016, Mentor of the Open Atom Open Source Foundation, and Founder of Open Source Community in 2014. He is also the initiator of the China Open Source Annual Report and COSCon.

With over 16 years of experience in the IT and OSS industry, Chen Yang has worked for multinational IT companies such as SUN, Oracle, and Microsoft, focusing on open-source technology and community governance, public cloud, industry AI solutions, knowledge graph, intelligent dialogue, and data integration.

In 2019, she was granted a US patent for artificial intelligence, and she co-authored “Beautiful Testing” with O’REILLY.concurrency.