Is contributing to open source difficult?

Li Benchao

Chinese Session 2023-08-19 10:00 GMT+8  #keynote

Perhaps many Working professionals have thought about participating in open-source contributions to improve their technical abilities and influence. However, there is usually some distance between ideals and reality: too busy with work to participate, high entry barriers to open-source projects, or low community response to previous attempts at contribution. In this keynote, Li Benchao will share his own experiences, including some small stories and reflections on his contributions to the open-source community, how to overcome these difficulties, and ultimately achieve breakthroughs in the open-source community while balancing work and open-source contributions.


Li Benchao Apache Calcite PMC Member, Apache Flink Committer, Graduated from Peking University, currently employed as the Flink SQL Technical Lead in the Stream Computing Team at ByteDance.