The Future of Open Source: Challenges and Opportunities

Craig Russell, Justin Mclean, Rich Bowen, Willem Jiang

Chinese Session 2023-08-18 11:20 GMT+8  #keynote

In our digital world, open-source software has become part of the infrastructure, like roads and bridges, playing an increasingly important role. However, as the open-source ecosystem continues to evolve, we also face many challenges. Open-source software supply chain security, sustainable development, and how to handle the relationship between open source and business have become urgent issues that need to be addressed in the open-source world. In this roundtable discussion, we will explore the challenges facing the open-source world and possible solutions together with senior members of the Apache Software Foundation.


Craig Russell: Apache Software Foundation, ASF Director, Eighteen years ago, Craig Russell joined the Apache Software Foundation as a contributor to the development of the DB JDO project. He was elected as a member in 2007. He currently serves as Assistant Secretary of the Apache Software Foundation and serves on the Board of Directors.

Justin Mclean: Datastrato, ASF board member, Justin Mclean is a highly experienced professional with over 30 years in web application development, education, and community work, and is an active contributor to open source software. Justin is a renowned speaker at conferences worldwide and currently serves as the Community Manager at Datastrato. He mentors projects in the Apache Software Foundation and holds positions as VP of the ASF Incubator, and is an ASF board member.

Rich Bowen has been involved in open source since before we started calling it that. He’s a member of the Apache Software Foundation, where he currently serves as a board member and VP Conferences. Rich is an Open Source Strategist at AWS.

Willem Jiang: Principal Evangelist of the ByteDance Open Source Office, former technical specialist at Huawei Open Source Management Center, Board Director of the Apache Software Foundation for 2022 and 2023, Apache Software Foundation Incubator mentor, former Chief Software Engineer at Red Hat, founder of the Apache Local Community Beijing (ALC Beijing), with over ten years of experience in enterprise-level open-source middleware development and extensive experience in Java development and usage.