RSQLDB Message queue-based flow database


Chinese Session 2023-08-19 15:00 GMT+8  #streaming

With the deepening of digitization, data is growing explosively, which puts forward higher and higher requirements for real-time and correctness of data processing. At the same time, as a data flow platform, message queue products are widely used in big data computing architecture, and there are countless cases of flow calculation through message queue/message engine. However, in the era of cloud computing, cost of use becomes the primary goal of architecture design or evolution. RSQLDB is a distributed stream computing engine based on message queue RocketMQ storage. The minimum support for 2-node production deployment, standardized SQL interaction greatly reduces the threshold of use; Functionally, RSQLDB supports Windows, JOIN and state recovery. This talk will introduce RSQLDB from the following aspects: 1, stream computing evolution road, why need RSQLDB

  1. RSQLDB architecture design principle
  2. Application practice of RSQLDB in Alibaba Cloud


Nisha: Aliyun, Apache RocketMQ Committer, RocketMQ Streams maintainer, RSQLDB maintainer, Alibaba Cloud, Nizze: Apache RocketMQ Committer, RocketMQ Streams maintainer, RSQLDB maintainer, Cloud native - information management team R & D computing experts