
Track Chairs : Dianjin Wang

Messaging system is used to enable communication between systems by sending messages to each other. It is used to decouple heavyweight processing, to buffer or batch work, and to smooth spiky workloads, also it can be used as the basic infrastructure for event driven and streaming systems.

In ASF, there are various projects that provide messaging services, for example: Apache Pulsar, Apache Kafka, Apache RocketMQ, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Inlong, etc.

In this topic, the messaging communities will share first-line experiences and best practices, exchange ideas and knowledge, and discuss the roadmap and the future of messaging technologies.


13:30 GMT+8 Apache Pulsar 3.0: First LTS release and new features Chinese Session Zike Yang

14:00 GMT+8 Apache Pulsar current limiting principle and application practice Chinese Session 王嘉凌

14:45 GMT+8 Huawei Terminal Cloud optimizes Apache Pulsar in container scenarios Chinese Session 林琳

15:45 GMT+8 Kafka without Zookeeper Chinese Session Luke Chen,邓子明

16:30 GMT+8 Deep Dive the replication protocol in Kafka Chinese Session Luke Chen


13:30 GMT+8 Design and Implementation of the Event-Driven Engine RocketMQ EventBridge Chinese Session Chen Yongming

14:00 GMT+8 RocketMQ Million Queue capability support - rocksdb kv storage Chinese Session Zhao Fujian

14:45 GMT+8 RocketMQ featured practice in Little Red Book Chinese Session Li Yabin

15:45 GMT+8 Millet RocketMQ cost reduction and efficiency and disaster recovery practice Chinese Session 邓志文

16:30 GMT+8 Cloud-native message flow system Apache RocketMQ in Tencent Cloud mass production practice Chinese Session 李伟

17:15 GMT+8 Practice of mass data flow in mobile cloud MQTT-RocketMQ message queue Chinese Session 庄兴旺