RPC & Service Mesh

Track Chairs : Jun Liu

RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is used to solve the problem of cross-process and cross-host communication in distributed system. With the wide application of micro-service architecture in recent years, we have built solutions for micro-service Frameworks and solutions for development and service governance.

Apache Dubbo is currently the most widely used and most influential open source microservice development framework in China. In this forum, we will focus on the new features, ecosystem and practices of the Dubbo framework:

  1. The latest progress of Dubbo3 in RPC protocol, cloud-native observability, Kubernetes, service Mesh, Native Image, etc.
  2. The latest developments of microservice ecosystem, including distributed transaction solution, rate limiting and downgrading, service governance, etc.
  3. Summary of microservice practical experience from typical enterprises such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Zhengcai Cloud.

This forum would be very helpful for tech managers, architects, and developers engaged in enterprise-level microservice architecture.


13:30 GMT+8 How does Apache Dubbo explore the path of GraalVM Native Image technology Chinese Session 华钟明

14:00 GMT+8 Apache Dubbo Cloud Native Observability Exploration and Practice Chinese Session 宋小生

14:30 GMT+8 Fully integrating web, mobile, and backend services based on the Triple protocol Chinese Session 陈有为

15:00 GMT+8 Improve Cloud Native - Dubbo Kubernetes Best Practices Chinese Session 江河清

15:45 GMT+8 Practice of hybrid cloud cross-network scheme based on dubbo Chinese Session 王晓彬

16:15 GMT+8 OpenSergo & Dubbo Microservice Governance Best Practices Chinese Session 何家欢(屿山)

16:45 GMT+8 Industrial and Commercial Bank distributed construction and transformation practice Chinese Session 丁兴中

17:15 GMT+8 Seata: A one-stop distributed transaction solution under microservices architecture Chinese Session 季敏(清铭)