Apache OpenOffice Track
Wednesday 16:15 UTC
Apache OpenOffice the Schrödinger App - Quo vadis?
Peter (petko) Kovacs
This talk will be a general talk on the situation on the Apache OpenOffice project. I will outline the situation where we are today. Outline a bit the difficulties we have moving to the future. To understand the title see Clabuurn's article at https://www.theregister.com/2018/10/10/apache_open_office_not_dead/ ) Measure position - A short summary on current project state Messure the speed - what is underway and where we go. the project blur effect - A short view on our difficulties and Gaps that we have
Joined AOO in Sept 2016 Commiter in 2017, PMC Memeber in 2017 Chairman at end of 2017 ASF Memember in 2018 ASF Emeritus in end of 2019 Freetime Volunteer
Wednesday 16:55 UTCStreiflichter eines langen Weges
Michael Stehmann
Some highlights of the long history of OpenOffice, a nearly 20 years old project, which is an Apache top level project since nearly 8 years. The focus is on the german community and the language of the talk will be also german.
member of the germanophone community of OpenOffice.org, initial committer of Apache OpenOffice, member of the PMC of Apache OpenOffice, author of an extention for Apache OpenOffice for german lawyers, former fellow of the FSFE, ,member of the legal network of FSFE, cofounder of Freie Software Freunde e. V., recent chair person of this charitable organisation, Debian user since 2002
Wednesday 17:35 UTCBuilding Apache OpenOffice on MacOS
Jim Jagielski
A talk about building Apache OpenOffice on MacOS.
Jim Jagielski is a well-known and acknowledged expert and visionary in open source, an accomplished coder, and frequent engaging presenter on all things open, web, and cloud related. As a developer, he’s made substantial code contributions to just about every core technology behind the internet and web and in 2012 was awarded the O’Reilly Open Source Award. In 2015, he received the Innovation Luminary Award from the EU. He is likely best known as one of the developers and cofounders of the Apache Software Foundation, where he has previously served as both chairman and president and where he’s been on the board of directors since day one. He’s served as president of the Outercurve Foundation and was also a director of the Open Source Initiative (OSI). He works at Uber in their Open Source Program Office. He credits his wife Eileen with keeping him sane.
Wednesday 17:35 UTCTranslation of an application - How does it work
Mechtilde Stehmann
In this talk I will show the steps which are need for the translation of Apache OpenOffice. This is an example to do a translation of a very big project, too. The translation is done at a Pootle Server hosted by ASF. Most steps are automated by scripts to handle the translation. Nearly 550000 strings in more than 60 languages
Part of the project since 2005 (former OpenOffice.org) Working on translation, qa and the base modul.
Wednesday 18:15 UTCOpenOffice UNO Programming with Groovy
Carl Marcum
The talk will discuss using the Apache Groovy programming language with Apache OpenOffice UNO API's and some associated projects that allow this to happen. Projects include the Groovy UNO Extension that adds convenience methods to the OpenOffice API's allowing less coding, an OpenOffice Extension that adds Groovy as a macro language to the office, and an associated extension to add sample macros to the office written in Groovy. Examples of usages like Groovy scripts as OpenOffice client applications, OpenOffice macros in Groovy, and a compiled OpenOffice extension application in Groovy.
Software developer and Open Source enthusiast. Owner of Code Builders, LLC specializing in Java-based technologies including Apache Groovy language and the Grails framework for web applications. Apache OpenOffice committer and PMC member. Currently serving as VP OpenOffice. Sun Certified Java Programmer.
Thursday 16:15 UTCOpenOffice on the Web
Dave Fisher
A talk about our Website Infrastructure. - openoffice.org - forum.openoffice.org - wiki.openoffice.org - confluence wikis - bugzilla - mailing lists
Dave has been a member of the Apache OpenOffice PMC since OpenOffice.org started Incubation at the ASF. He ported ported the OpenOffice.org website to the Apache CMS and has helped with Sysadmin tasks with the Forums.