Apache Pulsar Best Practices for Logging

Bin Wei

Chinese Session 2021-08-08 13:30 GMT+8  #messaging

ELK + Apache Kafka is a common architecture for logging case. However, things change these days. Cloud Native become popular and micro service architecture is adopted everywhere. It brings more services, instances with more logs in volume and category. Apache Kafka can’t meet all requirements for Cloud Native Logging Case, such as operational simplicity, million topics management, rent resource isolation etc. Apache Pulsar is a better solution with cloud native architecture and better performance. This talk highlights Apache Pulsar as a new messaging solution for logging case including requirements for logging messaging system, kafka vs pulsar solution, pulsar best practices and pulsar function / connector introduction.


Bin Wei: Bin Wei is a solution engineer at StreamNative. He is experienced in big data tech like ELK, Apache Kafka, Apache Pulsar, prometheus etc.