
Track Chairs : Jia Zhai, Dianjin Wang

Messaging system is used to enable communication between systems by sending messages to each other. It is used to decouple heavyweight processing, to buffer or batch work, and to smooth spiky workloads, also it can be used as the basic infrastructure for event driven and streaming systems.

In ASF, there are various projects that provide messaging services, for example: Apache Pulsar, Apache Kafka , Apache RocketMQ, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache TubeMQ(incubating), etc.

In this topic, the messaging communities will share first-line experiences and best practices, exchange ideas and knowledge, and discuss the roadmap and the future of messaging technologies.


13:30 GMT+8 Apache Bookkeeper (as a Key Value Stire) and its use cases English Session Shivji Kumar Jha

14:10 GMT+8 Kafka Tiered Storage English Session Satish Duggana, Sriharsha Chintalapani

14:50 GMT+8 The Practice of Apache Pulsar in BIGO Chinese Session Hang Chen

15:30 GMT+8 From Apache Kafka to Apache Pulsar - System Migration Guide Chinese Session 孟亚斌

16:10 GMT+8 A Pulsar Use Case In Federated Learning Chinese Session Jiahao Chen


13:30 GMT+8 The next generation messaging and streaming platform - Apache RocketMQ 5.0 Chinese Session 杜 恒

14:10 GMT+8 Evolution of Apache RocketMQ in Cloud Native Era Chinese Session Rongtong Jin (金融通)

14:50 GMT+8 The development of Apache RocketMQ at XIAOMI Chinese Session Xu Zhang

15:30 GMT+8 The ecosystem of Apache Rocketmq Chinese Session Li Qipeng(厉启鹏)


13:30 GMT+8 Apache Pulsar Best Practices for Logging Chinese Session Bin Wei

14:10 GMT+8 Apache Pulsar -- Cloud Native Message Queues in Practice at Tencent Cloud Chinese Session 林琳

14:50 GMT+8 Apache Pulsar Application and Practice under Tencent Million Topics Chinese Session Xiaolong Ran(冉小龙)

15:30 GMT+8 RBAC authorization in Pulsar Chinese Session Zike Yang

16:10 GMT+8 The Journey of Apache Pulsar in HUAWEI CLOUD Internet of Things Platform Chinese Session HeZhangJian