Why do modern microservices architectures need cloud native API gateways


Chinese Session 2022-07-30 14:50 GMT+8  #api

Microservice architectures are becoming more popular, and the number of APIs as infrastructure is exploding. However, as the access relationship between applications becomes more and more complex, in addition to the rapid offline and scaling of each micro-service, we must solve the dynamic management of API, security policy, and other new problems well.

This talk will look at where these issues come from and how we can use the Cloud-native API Gateway (Apache APISIX) to solve these problems once and for all so that our microservices architecture is not only suitable for today but also smooth the transition to cloud-native for the future.


Yuansheng Wang: API7.ai, Co-founder & CTO, Apache APISIX PMC Member Co-founder & CTO of API7.ai