Up & Running: Low Code Cloud-Native Integrations

Rachel Yordán

English Session 2022-07-29 16:50 GMT+8  #integration

Let’s face it, integrations are better in the cloud. Learn how you can use open source software to design and deploy your integrations in a matter of minutes using Kaoto, a developer-friendly low code integration tool. Kaoto’s lightweight architecture is based on Apache Camel and its battle-tested enterprise integration patterns.


Rachel Yordán: Red Hat, Principal Software Engineer, Rachel Yordán is a Principal Software Engineer for Red Hat, and a core contributor of Syndesis and Kaoto integration platforms. She is the director of a nonprofit that develops and advocates for the use of open source software in the fashion and textile industry. Originally a Chemistry major, Rachel spent most of her teen and college years coding for fun. She has now spent over a decade working professionally in web development. She also loves keyboards and dogs.