
Track Chairs : Willem Jiang, Zoran Regvart

Integration is a method and technology that integrates heterogeneous systems based on various platforms and with different solutions. There are a variety of projects in ASF that provide a variety of integrated solutions. For example, Apache Camel provides application integration solutions, Apache Gobblin provides data integration solutions. In the integration topic, you will not only learn about the practical experience of first-line users in applying these Apache projects to integration projects, but also learn about the latest developments in the ecology of these Apache integration projects, and visions on where software integration is heading in the future.


14:10 GMT+8 Sharing the architecture of DevLake, a research and development performance data integration platform Chinese Session 陈映初

14:50 GMT+8 Citizen Streaming Engineer - A How To English Session Timothy SPann

15:30 GMT+8 Camel K goes Quarkus Native English Session Pasquale Congiusti

16:10 GMT+8 Integrating systems in the age of Quarkus, serverless and Kafka English Session Zineb Bendhiba

16:50 GMT+8 Up & Running: Low Code Cloud-Native Integrations English Session Rachel Yordán