InnerSource and the Apache Way: How to learn Open Source
Danese Cooper
English Session 2022-07-29 09:40 GMT+8 #keynoteIn 1999, just after the term Open Source was coined, Sun Microsystems made a code contribution that created the TomCat (Servlet API) project at the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), This was the beginning of my 20+ year relationship with the ASF, where I am still a Member. I was fascinated to witness the codification of how to write software using the massively peer-reviewed collaborative development method known as the Apache Way. Although not infallible, the Apache Way has helped tens of thousands of engineers (and organisations) learn how to work openly with fellow travelers and competitors in a public commons. Learn how and why I patterned the InnerSource Commons on the Apache Way and how a new wave of Open Source curious organisations in diverse fields of endeavour have allowed a practice of InnerSource to help them modernize their own engineering culture and prepare them for real Open Source engagement.

Danese Cooper has been an outspoken Free and Open Source Software activist for more than 20 years. Over that time she has consistently worked for the health and welfare of the FOSS movement at jobs such as CTO of Wikipedia, Chief Open Source Evangelist for Sun, Senior Director of Open Source Strategy for Intel, and Board Member with the Drupal Association, the Open Hardware Foundation and the Open Source Initiative. Seven years ago while running PayPal's OSPO, Danese started thinking, talking, and writing about InnerSource as the logical next step to sustain the FOSS movement. Today Danese is Chair of the, a US 501(c)3 non-profit. She still consults on Open Source (and InnerSource) via DaneseWorks, Ltd and lives in Western Ireland.