Learning the Apache Way through the ASF Incubator
Justin Mclean
English Session 2022-07-31 09:00 GMT+8 #keynoteWhat is the Apache Foundation Apache, and what is the Apache Way? In this talk, I’ll introduce the ASF and the Apache way and explain how the Apache Incubator teaches it to new projects at the ASF Incubator. If you are new to ASF, you may think that some ways we do things are strange or unnecessary. Understanding the Apache Way helps you comprehend why certain things happen the way they do in ASF projects and how you create a long-lived community around a project.

Justin Mclean has more than 25 years of experience developing web-based applications before moving into the learning and teaching space. He currently works for Instaclustr, where he's VP of Training Services, a member of the Open Source Council and is helping start up a new open source foundation that focuses on training and certification for open source software. He's also active in several Apache Software Foundation projects, including the Apache Incubator, was previously on the ASF board and is a mentor for several incubating projects.