Apache's success story in China

Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu, Ted Liu, Jerry Tan, Bo Jiang

Chinese Panel 2022-07-29 10:30 GMT+8  #keynote

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 1999 with the mission to “Provide software for the public good”. server, the Apache Group, a group of enthusiasts who developed the Apache HTTP server. After more than two decades, the Apache Software Foundation has become the world’s largest open source foundation, overseeing more than 350 free, enterprise-class projects and more than 190 million lines of code that are the cornerstones of widely used applications around the world.

What exactly is the ASF’s connection to China? What are some of the interesting stories that have occurred over its two decades of existence, and how has these ASF’s success stories in China helped the open source cause in China? This panel will invite senior members of the Apache Software Foundation who will share the success stories of ASF in China.


Willem Jiang, Board Director of Apache Software Foundation (ASF) 2022, Chair of ApacheCon Asia, Founder of Apache Local Community (ALC) Beijing, Technical Expert of Huawei Open Source Management Center, and former Principal Software Engineer of Red Hat Software.

Sheng Wu, Founding Engineer of Tetrate, Founder of Apache SkyWalking, AWS Container Hero, Microsoft MVP

Ted Liu, Co-Founder of Open Source Society | Member of Apache Software Foundation, Member of Incubator Project Management Committee/Mentor, Member of Community Development Committee, Member of Fundraising Committee/Sponsorship Partner Ambassador (China) | Mentor of Tencent TVP, Teng Yuan Hui | BAIN & Company External Advisor

Jerry Tan, Member of Apache Software Foundation, PPMC leader of apache brpc, 20 years of open source experience engineer, in-depth open source compliance, governance, operations experience in Sun/Baidu/Tencent, etc.

Bo Jiang is a partner and COO of SegmentFault, a developer ecology expert who focuses on enterprise technology brand communication, developer ecology construction, open source operation and open source governance. He is the first executive member of CCF China Computer Society Open Source Development Committee, the organizing secretary of China Communications Society Open Source Technical Committee, a full member of Apache Local Community (ALC) Beijing, and the organizer of ApacheCon Asia 2021-2022.