Numbers in open source
Frank Zhao
Chinese Session 2022-07-31 09:30 GMT+8 #keynoteOpen source brings not only open code collaboration, but also generates a huge amount of open data. This sharing will take you close into the big data related to open source and understand how to use these data to better serve open source collaboration and help open source projects grow rapidly.

Frank Zhao is a PhD student in X-lab Open Lab and a board member of KaiYuanShe. He focuses on open source data analysis and research, and has been working on data analysis and data-driven decision making in large-scale open collaboration for a long time. He has been awarded as one of the 33 open source pioneers in China by SiFu 2020, one of the top 10 outstanding contributors to InfoQ 2020, one of the open source stars of InfoQ 2020, and one of the open source MVPs of AliCloud.