Apache RocketMQ 5.0: Evolution of a messaging, event, and stream converged high availability architecture


Chinese Session 2022-07-30 16:00 GMT+8  (ROOM : B) #messaging

RocketMQ has been Apache TLP since 2017, making it the preferred messaging service for vendors with high performance, low latency, and high reliability. In 2021, Apache RocketMQ was upgraded to become a cloud-native “message, event, and stream” converged processing platform. At the same time, RoccketMQ’s high availability architecture has evolved into a next-generation converged architecture that can handle multiple scenarios such as “message,” “event,” and “stream” simultaneously. This presentation will introduce the evolution of Apache RocketMQ high availability architecture and the decryption of RocketMQ 5.0 converged high availability architecture, including the master-slave architecture upgrade to support messaging scenarios and the new pluggable switching architecture to support real-time computing and sequential messaging scenarios.


Rongtong Jin: alibaba, Apache RocketMQ PMC Member/ Commiter, Alibaba Senior R&D Engineer, Commiter, Apache RocketMQ PMC Member/ Commiter, with deep understanding of distributed systems, especially messaging systems, currently focusing on the evolution of Apache RocketMQ 5.0 high availability architecture. In addition, he has shared many times in the Apache RocketMQ community and other open source events as a lecturer.