How Kafka-on-Pulsar Integrates with Pulsar Schema to Leverage Pulsar for Kafka Users

Yunze Xu

Chinese Session 2022-07-30 15:30 GMT+8  (ROOM : A) #messaging

KoP (Kafka-on-Pulsar) is an open-source protocol plugin of Apache Pulsar that supports producing and consuming messages via Apache Kafka clients. Pulsar has a built-in schema registry service that manages the schema definition of topics, while Kafka needs 3rd-party schema registry services like the most popular Confluent Schema Registry. This talk is mainly focused on how KoP makes use of Pulsar’s schema registry service,


Yunze Xu, StreamNative Software Engineer. He is an Apache Pulsar committer and a core maintainer of StreamNative’s KoP project. He has talked about KoP in Apache Pulsar Summits and some Pulsar related meetups.