RocketMQ based full link business gray scale


Chinese Session 2022-07-29 14:40 GMT+8  (ROOM : A) #messaging

Under the cloud native distributed micro-service architecture, RocketMQ and other middleware are used to realize the whole-link business gray scale management and control capability for the business under the condition of basically no intrusion to the business


Zhanpeng Huang: Zhengcaiyun Co., LTD, The architect, Zeng Lin, director of basic platform of Zhengcaiyun Co., LTD. I have participated in and contributed to RocketMQ, Seata, Istio, Dapr, Dubbo, Pulsar, Layotto, Aeraki, SciKit-Learn, Sealer, etc. I have participated in RocketMQ & Apisix online salon, etc