How does Apache EventMesh solve the SaaS composite application integration standardization problem

罗锦荣(Alex Luo)

Chinese Session 2022-07-30 14:10 GMT+8  #middleware

In the new era of SaaS, business adaptability needs are leading enterprises to shift to technology architectures that support rapid, secure and efficient application change. Composite applications, as a key technology to accelerate digitization, is one of Gartner’s key strategic technology trends for 2022. It is built from business-centric modular components that enable technology and business teams to reuse code more agile and effectively. For example, an application may support only one of the protocols, such as HTTP and TCP, but the lack of unified communication standards makes it difficult to implement the architecture. Here’s how Apache EventMesh solves this problem.


Alex Luo: Apache EventMesh Committer, huawei Cloud Middleware technology expert. The past decade has been devoted to researching the next generation cloud native middleware architecture and building the SaaS application developer ecosystem; His current research interests include EventMesh, RocketMQ, Serverless Workflow, and event-driven architecture and related technologies.