
Track Chairs : Liang Zhang, Jia Feng

Middleware is the most widely existing infrastructure based on application system, which is used to process with various non-functional requirements.

There are a variety of projects in ASF that provide middleware solutions. For example, Apache Karaf and Apache ServiceMix are used for ESB; Apache ShardingSphere has the ability of database additional services.

In the middleware topic, you will not only learn about the practical experience of first-line users in applying these Apache projects, but also learn about the latest developments in the ecology of them. At the same time, it also looks forward to the latest vision of middleware.


13:30 GMT+8 Apache EventMesh events drive distributed multiple runtimes Chinese Session 薛炜明

14:10 GMT+8 Apache ShardingSphere Scaling parsing Chinese Session 钟红胜

14:50 GMT+8 Apache Kvrocks(Incubating) design and implementation Chinese Session 林添毅

15:30 GMT+8 Apache Zookeeper and Apache Curator Meet the Dining Philosophers English Session Paul Brebner

16:10 GMT+8 Embrace cloud native, based on Kubernetes ShardingSphere cloud transformation Chinese Session 李卓

16:50 GMT+8 Build cloud native data transfer platform based on Apache EventMesh Chinese Session 梁荣华


13:30 GMT+8 Himalaya is based on the Apache ShardingSphere practice Chinese Session 彭荣新,沈辉

14:10 GMT+8 How does Apache EventMesh solve the SaaS composite application integration standardization problem Chinese Session 罗锦荣(Alex Luo)

14:50 GMT+8 Kafka high availability architecture practices Chinese Session 刘俊洋

15:30 GMT+8 Message-based distributed transactions Chinese Session 余洲

16:10 GMT+8 The Extreme Scalability of Amazon Aurora - A Cloud Native Database Chinese Session 马丽丽

16:50 GMT+8 SpamAssassin 4.0: new features to detect new spam types English Session Bechis Giovanni

17:30 GMT+8 Creating cross-platform, reproducible, binary builds for Java projects English Session Mark Thomas