Apache ShardingSphere Scaling parsing


Chinese Session 2022-07-29 14:10 GMT+8  #middleware

When the business develops to a certain scale, the traditional database faces the bottleneck such as large database, slow query and inflexible growth. How to efficiently, cheaply and safely solve this pain point? Apache ShardingSphere is based on the Database Plus concept, which provides a powerful distributed Database enhancement computing engine on top of traditional databases. The horizontal scaling scheme based on data fragmentation can effectively and smoothly solve the related distributed database problems for users. The data migration and data synchronization solutions provided by Scaling helped the traditional database smoothly switch to ShardingSphere, and at the same time provided the capacity of elastic Scaling of database nodes, ultimately creating a perfect high-performance, highly available and scalable distributed database solution for users.


Hongsheng Zhong: SphereEx, Database middleware development engineer, The open source project: https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere