Smooth evolution practices from Dubbo, SpringCloud to service grid


Chinese Session 2022-07-30 16:00 GMT+8  #rpc

In the past few years, traditional microservice frameworks such as Dubbo and SpringCloud have been widely used by enterprises. With the arrival of cloud native wave, the emergence of service grid architecture concepts and products such as ServiceMesh and Istio, new changes have taken place in the field of microservices.

Istio is gaining tremendous popularity as a leading service grid solution and is widely used in cloud native applications. Istio helps customers build a highly resilient, secure, observable, and extensible microservices architecture by offloading complexity from application code into a separate infrastructure layer.

In this speech, inspired by the Cloud native solutions of typical customers inside and outside Ali Cloud, Yuxing Zeng will share the best practice topics of Dubbo and Spring Cloud service migration Istio combined with the productization practice of ASM, ali Cloud service grid product. He will share the similarities and differences between Dubbo, Spring Cloud, and Istio frameworks, including mechanisms and working scenarios, and highlight best practices for business production ground, which enables Dubbo and Spring Cloud application services to run with zero code changes under the Isito framework. Istio is used to provide service traffic management and governance capabilities


Yuxing Zeng: Ali cloud, Technical expert, cloud native architect, Yuxing Zeng, a native architect and technical expert of Ali Cloud, has been engaged in server-side development and architecture for a long time. He has more than 10 years of background development experience in distributed field, focusing on cloud native, high performance and high availability distributed architecture. Years of experience in cloud native development such as ServiceMesh, Envoy Gateway, Kubernetes container platform. Currently, I am engaged in ServiceMesh cloud product development and architecture design in Ali Cloud Service Grid team.