What's new in Apache Impala 4.x
Quanlong Huang(黄权隆)
中文演讲 2022-07-30 14:10 GMT+8 (ROOM : B) #bigdataApache Impala是一个基于MPP架构实现的分布式查询引擎。本次演讲将分享Impala的基本实现和Impala中的基本概念,并基于此介绍Impala 4.x中值得关注的新功能和改进,最后也会介绍Impala的未来规划。 Apache Impala is a distributed, massively parallel analytic query engine. This presentation will provide a short description of how Impala works and the basic concepts in Impala. Then the talk will introduce some notable features/improvements in Impala 4.x, and finally the roadmap of Impala.
黄权隆: Cloudera, Staff Software Engineer, Cloudera Impala研发团队成员
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