In the face of open source, do you still only use 'love' to generate electricity?


Chinese Session 2023-08-19 14:30 GMT+8  #community

Generating electricity with love seems to have become a necessary label for open source enthusiasts, and laypeople seem to have no “love” for open source and no reason and motivation to participate. After his own practice and exploration, Rick has some new understanding of why he should participate in open source. It is not a problem to use “love” to generate electricity to participate in open source, but it is not enough to promote open source more widely. Interest can make people start to open source, but without reason and benefit, it is impossible to last and go deep into open source. Rick hopes that with the help of this sharing, open source people who are already using “love” to generate electricity can think clearly about the future road, and people who are not yet interested in open source can see that open source is more than “love”.


Rick: Open source face to face, evangelist, Programmer, amateur open source evangelist, open source face-to-face host.