
Track Chairs : tison, Ted Liu

Why ASF believes “Community over Code”? There is more to open source than just code contribution.

The Community track covers topics such as community governance model, growing open source project communities, diversity & inclusion, measuring community health, community management tools and data, project roadmaps, case studies, and any other topic around sustaining open source and open source communities.

We welcome you to share your community story with a broader audience.


13:30 GMT+8 OpenDAL maintainer perspective on DevRel practice sharing Chinese Session Ding Hao

14:00 GMT+8 Apache Kvrocks community Evolution Chinese Session 王源

14:30 GMT+8 How do communities and contributors find each other? Chinese Session 庄表伟

15:00 GMT+8 The open source way of self-developed distributed database Chinese Session 段少婷

15:45 GMT+8 The Age of AI and Intelligent organizations: Lessons from Apache Chinese Session 张雅琪(Alphatu)

16:15 GMT+8 How does the Apache DolphinScheduler community go from 0 to '20,000 +' users? Chinese Session 曾辉


13:30 GMT+8 Tao and Art of community building in ShenYu, Apache Chinese Session 肖宇

14:00 GMT+8 The Secret to Great Developer Experience is Killer Content Chinese Session Yu Liu

14:30 GMT+8 In the face of open source, do you still only use 'love' to generate electricity? Chinese Session Rick

15:00 GMT+8 The Summer of Open Source - a spark for a new generation of developers Chinese Session 李梦

15:45 GMT+8 Open Source Summer Best Practices Chinese Session 王嘉树

16:15 GMT+8 First Anniversary of Apache Doris: How to build one of the world's most active open source database projects Chinese Session 鲁志敬

16:45 GMT+8 Open Source PolarDB- Build a world-class Cloud native database Open Source Community Chinese Session 周正中