The Secret to Great Developer Experience is Killer Content

Yu Liu

Chinese Session 2023-08-19 14:00 GMT+8  #community

In recent years, the software industry has entered the cloud-native 2.0 era. The emergence of various new technologies has brought a sweet burden to developers. On the one hand, they have more choices; on the other hand, they face greater complexities. With the rise of the “developer-first” culture and the increasing decision-making weight of developers on product selection, the world’s major technology giants are changing from traditional sales ideas to developer-centric ideas (B2D) to promote products, and high-quality content is the most effective marketing strategy. To satisfy all stakeholders' needs and accelerate the flywheel effect, how to design content that makes developers fall in love at first sight? To improve the development experience, how to create the “Aha moment” of the content? To increase user stickiness, how to make developers love the product forever through content? To strengthen brand competitiveness, how to differentiate the content strategies for open-source projects and commercial products? ——This session will share the practice in the Apache Pulsar community and dive deeper into how to design killer content that developers will love.


Yu Liu is a PMC member of Apache Pulsar and a committer of Apache Trafodion. As a technical writer, she focuses on designing, creating, and optimizing the content experience for users. Additionally, she is a regular speaker at various conferences (e.g., ApacheCon Asia, COSCon China, tcworld China, China Technical Communication Forum, etc.), talking about information architecture, content strategy, docs as code, open-source management, and so on. Besides, she actively participates in diverse activities (e.g., Our Code is Open, OSPP, etc.) to promote the open-source world. While not working, she loves dancing, yoga, cooking, and Chinese medicine. She lives in Shanghai, China.