How do communities and contributors find each other?


Chinese Session 2023-08-18 14:30 GMT+8  #community

How Do Communities and Contributors Find each Other? Where is the community? Who is contributor? These seem like obvious questions, but they are two of the most common in the open source community. In this talk, we will delve into the nature of open source communities and the role of contributors. From the three of us to the same. From being a friend, to effectively motivating long-term contributions from contributors.

In summary, we’ll show how communities and contributors discover each other, and how they build and sustain long-lasting relationships. We’ll explore some successful strategies, including how to attract new contributors, how to support them, and how to help them develop as leaders on their projects.

Whether you’re a newbie or an experienced open source contributor, we hope you’ll gain valuable insight and inspiration from this talk.


Zhuang Beiwei: Hoyuan Association, Member of a council, Director and CEO of Open Source Society. Deputy Secretary General of the Open Source Foundation.