First Anniversary of Apache Doris: How to build one of the world's most active open source database projects


Chinese Session 2023-08-19 16:15 GMT+8  #community

Apache Doris is a high-performance, real-time analytical database based on the MPP architecture, known for its speed and ease of use. Up to now, Apache Doris has become one of the most active open source projects in the field of big data and database in the world. At this conference, I will share the growth of Apache Doris from incubation to becoming one of the top projects, and share how to promote the rapid growth of users and developers in the community.


Lu Zhijing: Apache Doris Community, Apache Doris Committer, Lu Zhijing, Apache Doris Committer, former Senior Product Manager of Baidu, used to be the head of product and operation of Baidu Doris team, responsible for kernel product planning, project commercialization toB and open source community operation. The past few years have been devoted to promoting Apache Doris, the community’s first non-code Committer.