Apache OpenDAL(Incubating) : The Apache Way, The Hard Way


Chinese Session 2023-08-20 15:00 GMT+8  #incubator

Data is one of the most important assets of the future, and data access is the key to realizing the value of data. There are a variety of storage services in the market, each with its own unique interface and features, which bring a lot of complexity and inconvenience to data access. On February 27, 2023, the OpenDAL project successfully passed the vote and officially entered the Apache Software Foundation incubator. OpenDAL provides a unified, simple, efficient, reliable, and observable data access layer that allows developers to seamlessly use different storage services and enjoy the best user experience. This sharing will focus on The main line of OpenDAL’s development history and current situation, focusing on how OpenDAL implements the open source concept and The Apache Way, as well as the opportunities and challenges in the incubation process.


Chojan Shang: Databend, R&D Engineering Intern, Apache OpenDAL(Incubating) PPMC Member