
Track Chairs : Juan Pan, Calvin Kirs

The Apache Incubator offers valuable services to projects, referred to as “podlings,” seeking entry into the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). This conference track aims to provide insights and guidance on the incubator journey, enabling attendees to gain a deeper understanding of Apache’s governance and operational practices.

Participants will learn about the process of entering the incubator and progressing towards becoming a Top-Level Project (TLP). Additionally, this track will explore strategies for building an active and diverse open-source community, while ensuring compliance with Apache’s regulations.


13:30 GMT+8 Navigating the ASF Incubator Process English Session Justin Mclean

14:00 GMT+8 Thoughts and Practices of Apache HugeGraph in the Open Source Field of Graph Databases. Chinese Session Jin Ziwei

14:30 GMT+8 StreamPark - from personal projects to Apache incubators Chinese Session 王华杰

15:00 GMT+8 Apache OpenDAL(Incubating) : The Apache Way, The Hard Way Chinese Session 尚卓燃