Evening events

Tuesday, 17:30 - 20:00: Attendee Reception
Join us Tuesday evening for an off-site reception sponsored by Comcast at Bier Markt.
Tuesday, 19:30 - 20:00: Key Signing
Towards the end of the Attendee Reception, we'll be holding a PGP key signing. If you sign releases at the ASF, or if you want to send secure communication to other ASF committers, take a few minutes to come sign one another's keys. Hosted by Jean-Frederic Clere.
Wednesday, 18:00: Lightning Talks
On Wednesday evening, we'll be having the traditional Lightning Talks. (Venue to be announced) Give a 5-minute talk, on any topic, to the cheers (and jeers) of your colleagues. Hosted by MC's Rich Bowen and Shane Curcuru. Talk sign-ups will be on-site, but start gathering your ideas!
Birds Of A Feather (BOF) gatherings
On Monday, (19:00 - 21:00), Tuesday (20:00 - 21:00) and Wednesday evenings (19:00 - 21:00) we'll have room for BOF gatherings. Sign up on the whiteboard in the hackathon space for a room and a topic, and we'll help you promote your gathering. Details and schedule
Cakes adored, but not guaranteed.